Become a member of Canine Athletics Training Center! Members get dedicated private ring rental at our Longmont facility, first access for CATC hosted workshops, seminars, and more. Various tiers to fit your lifestyle!
Early Sign Up Offer! Sign up for a membership by March 23 and receive double ring rental credits for your first month!
Ring rentals will be available for use starting April 5
Bronze Membership
per month
1 hour of private ring rental per month (2 hours through May 1)
5% discount on additional ring rental
1 week advance booking access
10% discount discount on all classes
Complimentary copy of our “How-To Agility Trial Guide”
First access to sign up for workshops and seminars
Silver Membership
per month
2 hours of private ring rental per month (4 hours through May 1)
10% discount on additional ring rental
1 week advance booking access
10% discount discount on all classes
Complimentary copy of our “How-To Agility Trial Guide”
First access to sign up for workshops & seminars
Gold Membership
per month
2.5 hours of private ring rental per month (5 hours through May 1)
12% discount on additional ring rental
1 week advance booking access
10% discount discount on all classes
Personal locker to store your items
Complimentary copy of our “How-To Agility Trial Guide”
First access to sign up for workshops & seminars
**Let us know if you prefer to have pro room rental instead of agility ring rental in your membership plan