
New to Agility?

Agility is a sport that requires a high amount of engagement and training that you may not find in general obedience classes. Taking our sports prep class is a pre-requisite for all of our agility classes. We also offer basic and advanced manners classes if your dog isn’t quite ready for sports prep.

**If you feel you and your dog have the skills required to skip the prerequisite classes, please email us to set up an evaluation.

Agility Levels


These classes will set you up for success in your agility career. Learn how to train obstacle focus, independence, and basic handling moves. Your dog will practice working around distractions and taking turns working.


These classes introduce more of the agility obstacles including contacts and weaves. You will further your dog’s independence in taking obstacles and learn more advanced handling techniques that will set you up for sequencing.


These are our sequencing classes. Not all of our students compete, but anyone who has graduated from the intro work classes is welcome to join our upper level classes. You will practice a variety of sequences week to week and learn how to choose the best handling for you and your dog. 

**These classes may be repeated as necessary and your instructor will determine when you are ready to move up in levels.

Private Lessons

One on one coaching tailored to you and your dog with Kirsten. Open to any level. 

Drop Ins

Drop in classes to work on specific skills in agility, especially the trickier obstacles like weaves and contacts. You need to be in a Skills or Competition level class to sign up for Drop In, or have received prior written approval.

Seminars & Workshops

We host a variety of seminars and workshops throughout the year, both from local and international instructors. Make sure you’re signed up for our email list to get notified about these special events! CATC members get first access to sign up.